Mastering Yumi Sin Snake Control and Kitty Synergies

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – Prepare to dominate the rift with Yumi Sin’s deadly snake and Kitty’s purrfect support. Our guide will empower you to harness the full potential of this dynamic duo, maximizing damage, mobility, and survivability.

Unlock the secrets of Yumi’s serpentine companion, learn to position it strategically for maximum impact, and discover the synergies that make Kitty an indispensable ally.

Handling His Snake Yumi Sin: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi Sin’s snake is a crucial part of her kit, and learning how to control it is essential to maximizing her damage potential. The snake can be used to harass enemies, initiate fights, and even secure kills.


The key to controlling Yumi’s snake is to position it correctly. The snake should always be in a position to attack your target, but it should also be safe from enemy attacks. If the snake is too close to the enemy, it will be easily killed.

If it’s too far away, it won’t be able to do any damage.


The snake can be moved by using the “W” key. The snake will move in the direction that you are facing. You can also use the “Q” key to make the snake dash forward. The dash can be used to close the gap on an enemy or to escape from danger.

Utilizing Mobility

The snake’s mobility can be used to create advantageous engagements. For example, you can use the snake to scout out an enemy team’s position before engaging in a fight. You can also use the snake to flank an enemy team and attack them from behind.

Fitting Kitty to Yumi Sin


Equipping Kitty on Yumi Sin grants her a significant advantage, boosting her mobility and survivability. Kitty’s active ability, “Leap,” provides Yumi Sin with a dash, allowing her to quickly engage or disengage from combat. This dash complements Yumi Sin’s playstyle, which revolves around initiating fights with her “Final Hour” ultimate ability and dealing massive damage with her “Tenacity” passive.

Furthermore, Kitty’s “Protection” passive grants Yumi Sin a shield that absorbs incoming damage. This shield synergizes well with Yumi Sin’s “Critical Strike” ability, which increases her critical strike chance. By combining Kitty’s protection with her increased critical strike chance, Yumi Sin can deal significant damage while mitigating enemy attacks.

Itemization Recommendations

In addition to Kitty, several other itemization options complement Yumi Sin’s playstyle:

  • Infinity Edge:Increases Yumi Sin’s critical strike chance, synergizing with Kitty’s “Protection” passive.
  • Phantom Dancer:Provides Yumi Sin with attack speed, movement speed, and a shield that reduces incoming damage.
  • Death’s Dance:Grants Yumi Sin lifesteal and damage reduction, enhancing her survivability in extended fights.

Countering Yumi Sin’s Snake

Snake salamandra

Yumi Sin’s snake, Nagakabouros, is a formidable ally, granting her increased mobility, damage, and crowd control. To counter its strengths, it’s crucial to understand its limitations.

It’s crucial to know how to handle your snake Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty properly. These unique companions require special care and attention. Check out this helpful guide how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty for expert advice on handling, feeding, and ensuring their well-being.

By following these tips, you can create a safe and comfortable environment for your beloved pets.

Exploiting Yumi Sin’s Reliance on Her Snake

Yumi Sin relies heavily on her snake for damage and engage. By exploiting this dependency, you can limit her effectiveness. Focus on isolating Yumi Sin from her snake, forcing her to choose between engaging with her snake or without it.

This creates a window of opportunity to initiate fights or disengage safely.

Countering Snake’s Mobility

Nagakabouros’s mobility is a key asset for Yumi Sin. It grants her access to targets quickly and allows her to escape dangerous situations. To counter this, consider using champions with long-range abilities or crowd control to limit her movement. Additionally, warding key areas can provide vision to anticipate her ganks or rotations.

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty? You need to first consider how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty. For example, read this article how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty to learn about how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty.

By understanding how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty, you will be able to do how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty better.

Mitigating Snake’s Damage

Yumi Sin’s snake deals significant damage, especially when empowered by her abilities. To mitigate this damage, prioritize building defensive items such as armor or magic resistance. Additionally, champions with damage reduction abilities or healing capabilities can effectively reduce the impact of her snake’s attacks.

Neutralizing Snake’s Crowd Control

Nagakabouros’s crowd control, particularly its knock-up, can be disruptive in team fights. To neutralize this, consider using champions with crowd control immunity or cleanses. Alternatively, positioning yourself to avoid the snake’s knock-up range can minimize its effectiveness.

Combos and Techniques with Yumi Sin’s Snake

Yumi Sin’s snake offers a wide range of combos and techniques that can enhance her damage output and outplay potential. Mastering these combos requires precise timing and execution, but the rewards can be devastating.

Basic Combos


-*Snake Bite (Q) + Lightning Bolt (W)

A simple yet effective combo that deals significant damage. Use Q to dash towards the enemy, then follow up with W to stun them and deal additional damage.

  • -*Snake Strike (E) + Q + W

    This combo allows you to initiate from a distance. Use E to send the snake forward, then dash with Q to close the gap and follow up with W for a guaranteed stun.

  • -*Snake Dance (R) + Q + W

    Yumi Sin’s ultimate, Snake Dance, empowers her snake for a short duration. Use R to dash forward and summon the snake, then follow up with Q and W for a powerful burst of damage.

Advanced Combos, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty


-*Snake Twist (Q) + Flash + W

This combo is perfect for catching enemies off guard. Use Q to dash towards the enemy, then immediately Flash behind them and use W to stun them.

  • -*Snake Strike (E) + Flash + Q + W

    Similar to the previous combo, but this one allows you to initiate from a longer distance. Use E to send the snake forward, then Flash towards the enemy and follow up with Q and W.

  • -*Snake Dance (R) + Flash + Q + W + Ignite

    This is Yumi Sin’s ultimate combo, which deals massive damage and secures kills. Use R to dash forward and summon the snake, then Flash towards the enemy and use Q, W, and Ignite to burst them down.


* Practice timing and execution to master these combos.

Even though I can now confidently manage my snake Yumi Sin and my cat Fit Kitty, I still find myself lacking in other areas. I’ve recently been looking into how to increase insurance agent productivity , but it’s been a bit of a challenge.

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  • Use the snake’s mobility to outplay enemies and secure kills.
  • Be aware of the snake’s cooldown and use it wisely.
  • Coordinate with teammates to maximize the snake’s impact.

Team Strategies Involving Yumi Sin’s Snake

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi Sin’s snake, a formidable ally, can elevate team strategies to new heights. In coordinated play, it becomes a versatile tool for initiation, peel, and objective control.


  • Surprise Ambush:The snake can stealthily approach unsuspecting enemies, initiating a sudden burst of damage and disruption.
  • Crowd Control Setup:By binding enemies with its tongue, the snake can set up opportunities for Yumi Sin or her teammates to follow up with crowd control abilities.


The snake excels at protecting allies from enemy threats:

  • Interrupting Chases:When an ally is being pursued, the snake can quickly intercept and slow down the pursuer, allowing the ally to escape.
  • Disengaging Aggressors:By targeting an aggressive enemy, the snake can force them to redirect their attention, creating an opportunity for Yumi Sin’s team to disengage.

Objective Control

  • Area Denial:The snake’s presence can deter enemies from approaching key objectives, such as towers or jungle camps.
  • Vision Control:By patrolling key areas, the snake provides vision, allowing Yumi Sin’s team to make informed decisions and respond to enemy movements.

Team Compositions

Yumi Sin’s snake synergizes well with champions who can capitalize on its initiation and peel capabilities:

  • Engagers:Champions like Malphite or Amumu can use the snake to initiate team fights and set up crowd control for their team.
  • Carries:Marksmen or mages can follow up on the snake’s disruption with high burst damage.
  • Supports:Enchanters or tanky supports can protect Yumi Sin while she controls her snake, ensuring its effectiveness in team fights.


With a deep understanding of Yumi Sin’s snake mechanics and Kitty’s synergy, you’ll dominate the battlefield. Unleash devastating combos, outplay your opponents, and lead your team to victory.

Quick FAQs

Q: How do I control Yumi’s snake effectively?

A: Master the snake’s movement patterns, positioning, and mobility to create advantageous engagements.

Q: What are the benefits of fitting Kitty on Yumi Sin?

A: Kitty enhances Yumi’s mobility, survivability, and synergy with her abilities.

Q: How do I counter Yumi Sin’s snake?

A: Identify its strengths and weaknesses, develop strategies to limit its mobility and damage, and exploit Yumi’s reliance on it.

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About the Author: Jason